Tag: opportunist


Just another reason why this Democrat doesn't trust Hillary Clinton

If Hillary Clinton were elected to the highest office in the land, as desperate Democrats have been talking the last few months, it would just be more of the same corruption that we’re faced with on a daily basis right now.

This exhibit is proof enough.  I didn’t trust Hillary before it was announced that she was back-dealing with regards to the Dubai Port sale…  And I don’t like her now.  She’s a carpet bagger and a schemer.  This is not trying to piss on the concept of a female president or a female candidate for president.  This is pissing on a bad candidate for president and someone who is looked at as a hope because she won’t take a stand on anything for the sake of not ruining her Presidential run.


FOXNews.com – Foxlife – TV Viewer Sues Over Janet Bra-Ha-Ha

Bank worker Terri Carlin (search) wants compensation for herself and millions of viewers “injured” by the lewd behavior of Jackson and fellow performer Justin Timberlake (search) during Sunday’s Super Bowl coverage.

On Wednesday Carlin filed a proposed class-action lawsuit in federal court in Knoxville, Tenn., against Jackson, Timberlake, broadcasters MTV and CBS and their parent company, Viacom.

Give me a break… This woman is just as pathetic – an opportunist – as a lawyer who chases after Ambulances in search of clients, or a hot woman who mariries a rich guy just before his death to inherit cash (hi Anna Nicole!)….