Tag: open source
To vBB or not to vBB, that is the question
I have an odd Dilema with Baseball Boards. I have a very limited number of posters and lack of reputation under the current name. The lack of posting is hurting just as much as the lack of members is hurting.
That being said, I’m still playing with the idea of what could improve things and improve member additions to the site.
The site merger is all but nixed — too much uncertainty and too much negative outlook. Too little control. What I am toying with to bide the time, however,is to have vBulletin put onto the site instead of phpBB. VBulletin gives a better look to the forums and mroe functionality. PHPBB is open source, hackable… Extra spamable.
I need to ask around if I should make the switch… Its just a thought right now – and it will set me back 90 bucks at least.
Ya down with ODP — DMOZ Posse
I might have already mentioned this somewhere but if I didn’t, I am back in action with the Open Source Directory Project with a couple of categories here and there.
Click here to view my Profile on there. Not much but it shows you what I edit…
If you’ve ever been interested in teh Search Engines and web directories, becomign an ODP editor is soemthing you ought to look into.