Tag: nhl 2018-19

Via Reddit: To put the Tampa Bay Lightning’s success in perspective at this point (Feb 16, 2015)

Via Reddit: To put the Tampa Bay Lightning’s success in perspective at this point (Feb 16, 2015)

Via Reddit: To put the Tampa Bay Lightning’s success in perspective at this point (Feb 16, 2015)

It is damn good and ahead of the pack. Click the title to read the post.

The Tampa Bay Lightning thrives while the Tampa Bay media look elsewhere in sports

The Tampa Bay Lightning thrives while the Tampa Bay media look elsewhere in sports

The Tampa Bay Lightning thrives while the Tampa Bay media look elsewhere in sports

Late this summer, before the NFL season was underway, the Tampa Bay Times did the Tampa Bay-media thing and played up the Tampa Bay Buccaneers season ahead. “Most talented offense ever?” discussion before a regular season game had been played seemed like… well, an attempt to raise expectations.

I’m not here to judge the Buccaneer season as it nears a conclusion, I’m here to ask about the Tampa Bay Lightning.

See, with that hype about the Bucs, there hasn’t been the same headline-priority work for the Bolts in the Tampa Bay media, at least not from what I’ve seen. All while the Bolts are doing what counters Tampa Bay college and pro sports teams most of the time: Winning and winning. And winning.

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