Tag: hurricane ivan


Desperate Times calll for Desperate Measures – even if you don't know the consequences?

File this under WTF —

JACKSONVILLE — A South Florida businessman says he’s going to try to reduce the strength of Hurricane Ivan by flying a Boeing 747 into the edge of the hurricane and dumping thousands of pounds of an absorbent material into the storm

You know, it’s nice that corporate America is going to try to save Florida from another Natural Disaster but if there is one thing I have learned over the years it’s that you don’t mess with Mother Nature because you can fuck things up REAL bad when trying to control her.

Can't catch a break — Ivan the Terrible

It would seem that Mother Nature is trying to assure us that Florida will not cost John Kerry the election this year… That or she’s pissed at the mess Jeb Bush has made of the state…

At any rate, Hurricane Ivan “The Terrible” is a Category Five hurricane with maximum winds of 160 MPH … And he’s got a plan for a Florida Vacation.…..

IWe’re still cleaning up from Frances which was a nuisance more than a catastrphy… A fourth hurricane to strike the state of Florida in a matter of weeks (Bonnie, Charley and Frances are the prior three) would be devestating…. ANd the damage Ivan could do on his projected path would be nothing less than total and utter.