The (Forced) New Look of
This blog needed a theme upgrade… Partly due to look, partly because it was not properly compatible with WordPress – and not been for years.
Sunday night, I was casually messing around in a potential theme upgrade and I accidentally activated it. That would not be a big deal, just switch to the other theme, except the out-of-date blog theme was/is no longer available for use. Oops.
So… The blog’s look is changing, ot must be configured and la-de-da. Mind the dust as I reconfogure the site.
A personal ramble at my milestone in Blogging
Writer John Peter Fontana II, also known as Johnny Fonts (who is aka John J. Fonts Esqyuew) – the dude writing this. Me. Hi. – has been a weblog author for 20 years now.
What I am connonly known for, hockey and the Tampa Bay Lightning, didn’t start for another year and a half. My start in blogging began during the forced end to a static web site devoted to the Beatles. It will be 20 years on Thursday since the feature on that incident was published by the St. Pete Times.
I am not proud of everything in this blog’s archives (most of whicj was written on “The Stibegauge”), and I also don’t know what stands out in my career in general. I just know this is the avenue I took and it gave me a place to vent, ramble wxpress, inform, and share.
Physical hardsjo[ makes it tough to do this now… Oh, I say so much about THAT. It’s a tough job to even know what is going on in sports, movies, politics, and the world around me, let alone the challenge to type it out.
NF2 is a bitch.
Johnn0y Fonts lacks new content, but I am on here daily updating TunedQuest… It’s a listing that grows a!d must be tended to. I spend ample time looking into stations and sites that accept music submissions. * get thanked… That’s something.
So…! Utilize and the words if Cassie McClellan: reader continues to take advemture and entertainment in what I put out.Typing remains an adventure for me, I hope an0
Blind and Anxious, an update on my status
I congessed in late 2019 how hand issues are affecting me and limiting my writing on Johnny Fonts. Late in the summer of 2020, I made another confession as I explained why this long-time Tampa Bay Lightning blogger wasn’t saying hit sd the Bolts ran the gamut and won Lord Stanley’s Cup: I couldn’t follow what was going on. I couldn’t see.
I still can’t, folks. And it’s getting worse.
Oh, it’s not the entire reason I have not blogged a write-up of substance or opoinion in forever; I’m neurotic and don’t finish posts all the time for opinion shifts on what I wrote, or I lose focus and just move on.
Scatterbrained or not, my participation online is being stopped by the cloudy, blurred vision that seems to worsen daily and make me further appreciate Al Pacino’s performance as Frank Slade in The Scent of a Woman.
I am not in the dark though. It’s a white blur. No carbon-freezering recovery involved.
So, I’m limited in multiple fashions, and my general online life is joining my stunted life participation. Writing, forums, streaming video, chat/instant messaging… It’s all in a hazr sent from hell with a little note attached (that I can’t read, but seem to include the letters “F” and “Y”).
My anxiety is also bubbling., I’m so lost in day-to-day life that my ignorance in what is going on can lead to me erupting, and certainly does when I’m pushed to partake in something I am not prepped for, or when I’m left to feel like nothing more than a rag doll. John can’t, so lets put him in that chair and thrn go do that living thing!!
I miss being, knowing, doing.
My eye situation likely needs a cornea transplant – replacing the eye lenses. I don’t know if other visual issues will ever be dealt with – cataracts and an astigmatism – I just know I need aid or else.
[It was tough writing this. While I can if typos, general editing, and rewriting are just too visually tough.]
[Meta] This blog isn’t all about the Bolts
I round out that every single category of his web site was listed as “Tampa Bay Lightning” in search engine results. One setting or another related the mistake.
I wouldn’t think any repeat visitors saw 5he issue. I still feel the need to apologize; it’s a big s red up an embarrassing to have happened.
A quick update and seeking input on Radio and streaming music submission options for indie musicians
With 100+ station/screams listed and 5,000 words, the C pos has become an immaculate reference point for independent ane small-time musicians who want to get yheir music exposed. I had started that list for potential pe5sonal use in 2018 and decided to post the (at the time) few station options as an o object of encouragement for musicians: Seek airplay in traditional media.
There have been two changes in the layout of the post in the past month – one was just “launched” today. Genre-specific streaming stations have their own “group” now. This move was made because genre-specific sites were part of the very long General section. Today’s change is the geographic division of the College Radio section. All the college stations were thrown in there in a generally disorganized way before today’s regrouping.
All of this may be a precursor to the post being broken up into three or fou5 posts. Stay tuned.
I ould use some suggestions on music genres and stations/streams to add. If you can suggest noteworthy college radio stations — small schools or major universities — to look into, that would be appreciated too.
“Typing’s an adventure…” takes on new meaning
For those who check in on me here with any regularity, while I wish this was just an extension of season’s greetings, sadly it’s not.
Due to issues, I am experiencing with my left hand (and many many typos by way pf it), my online content production – writing – is vastly hindered. This has frustratingly slowed my writing to end 2019.
I do hope to have new content up in the days ahead, but certain typos are not seen by spell-check editing apps and programs. Ig puts my love of writing in a mire of inability.
In essence, fair readers: Technical difriculties; please stay tuned.
Let me stress outright: This is a personal weblog. All content on the site is of a variety of subject matters by a lone author: Me. Hi.
There is a section for “Guest Writers”, but that content is literally writing penned by personal guests/friends (and hasn’t been used for more than 15 years). I am not looking for “guest writers”. I’m not seeking to do “sponsored” posts.
To be frank and candid: With the minuscule amount of web traffic that Johnny Fonts draws, you’d be better off investing elsewhere.
What this site is open to is traditional banner ads on the sidebar and within posts. I am willing to discuss in-post link, In both cases, the content must be fitting for the site and not a scheme, pornography, or other
If you are interested in discussing things, please use the Contact Form to drop me a line. If your content in the form turns out to be a copy-and-paste, mass-communication, you’re not likely to get a response.
Polls are now open…
Just a quick note that I’ve got a (working) poll application now. I don’t know how often they will be used but it’s a live feature. A poll is on the sidebar (and I am seriously curious of people’s opinions on the subject).
Theme foray fade
Just an aside remark:
I went back to my previous WordPress theme. There were just a few many aspects of the new one that didn’t sit well with me after a month of use. This site is a lone author’s writing, not a news magazine…
“And I desperately need a manicure!” – The look, the feel, the folly
I’ve spent a bit of time the past month or two looking to simply upgrade The WordPress theme for this site. Too often the look isn’t something I want to build around. Lately, I’ve been finding interesting themes that have flaws that I can’t correct.
It’s a distraction from writing, so I’m a little lapsed on that… But it’s also a challenge for a long-time blogger to find a fitting, the functional theme for a WordPress 5 site (…for free).
Lack of writing is a visualization thing…
For those who are left wondering why Johnny Fonts hasn’t had new posts lately: I’ve been focusing on other aspects of the site and other web projects lately. In the case of this site, I’ve redone the logo and I’m trying to find a new theme for the blog:
The theme issue… Well, that was a quirk I was thinking of dealing with, but it gets more interesting – and complicated – with the theme bells and whistles on the development end of new WordPress themes. Some themes are VERY powerful while others are arcane. Finding something visually appealing is a must, but finding something with a working backend goes along with it.
The joys (sarcasm) of charitable fundraising for a rare disease (NF2)
Wednesday, February 10th marked my 12th anniversary as a hockey blogger. That’s a pretty huge milestone as bloggers don’t usually last more than 3 years… let alone 12! Oh, Stonegauge is probably older than that – though I did not have many entries the past few years. To mark the occasion I brought up the genetic/neurological disorder I’ve been dealing with since I started, and started a charity drive called Deke the Deuce. The money is going to a Tampa Bay area based Neurofibromatosis Type II charity organization.
Big time blogger raising awareness and pulling in dollars to aid the fight against NF2! Cute name for the drive too!
Yeah, well, what I’ve learned in the past week-plus of the drive is that charity fundraising is tough even if you have a huge reach through social and general media. You may have a wide number of readers or thsoe exposed to the drive by way of retweets and Facebook shares but if someone doesn’t connect to the cause, why would they hand over a nickel, let alone the amount of cash that would actually show up on the charity page?
I don’t know the best way to “update” the page. Anything I say is too personal and too thin an audience sees it. Yet I have to connect and personal is the only way to do it. But telling people how you went deaf? What life can be like in deafness or even just hard of hearing?
The fact I’m also mostly pushing this at hockey fans hurts things too just because I’m not sure how to give it a broader appeal.
I plan on running thins through March 16… I don’t know if I’ll even reach $500, but the money raised is better than nothing. And I HAVE enlightened some people and introduced them to the disorder in general.
My writing habits have been stuck on Lightning hockey for something like 7 years now. Sometimes I vent on or in private conversations. Other times I’ve articulated in fiction writing that’s sitting in a “Saved” folder on my PC.
I dunno,perhaps it is time to un-mothball this thing and use it to express myself instead of hiding it? Then again, reviewing some of my riting here I call people out by name. That’s not good.  At the same time, knowing this site hasn’t been public for years (and not easily accessible even to me) the site has not been indexed in search engines or shared through social mediums in a long, long time. Looking over web traffic data proves it.
This article draft was put together months ago, but it’s publication is only being done now. Â Hmmm, maybe i should actually post some worthwhile content instead of venting writing-wise?
One thing I have to do that absolutely has to be done is clear up the blogroll. Some of those sites are spam sites now, others are just dead-in-the-water.  Sorta like Stonegauge, which is only getting reads (from me) for the first time in forever.
Theme Scream
I need to redo the theme for Raw Charge. I mean, I like it in general — K.I.S.S. and all that — but the problem is that it is FUBAR with the text.
Disappearing poetry act explained
I decided to take a shot with some of my written works, stuff that has never been published beore (sans on this web site) and actually submit them to a literary review. It’s been about a month since I made those submissions. It oculd be another two before I hear back from said literary review.
I’m skeptical on my chances.
Brother, can you spare a Loafie?
Dear Creative Loafing,
Look, I’m not the most interesting guy out there. Just go through the archives here (which stretch back to 2002) and you can find plenty of boring, personal, and petty drivel. I’m not flashy, but I have been involved with the sites and people that your independent newspaper has honored again and again — such as helping Tommy Duncan run Sticks of Fire from 2005-2007, or aiding CL columnist Catherine Durkin Robinson with her blog as well as editing one of her books. I’m online buddies with one of Tampa Bay’s most popular Twitter personalities in Clark Brooks (oh, yeah, he also writes for me on Raw Charge).
I’ve been blogging for nearly a decade, I am one of the longest tenured hockey bloggers in the sport (having started on in 2004). And I’m the only local net personality who has not only been threatened with litigation from the most popular pop group of the 20th century, but I’ve been in USA Today and quoted between the likes of Tony LaRussa and “Crash” Davis.
My point is, how about throwing a little recognition my way in your upcoming 2011 Best Of The Bay awards? I’m not as trendy and attractive as former Interbay Superstar Rachel Moran, nor am I as social as other personalities who’ve won accolades through their net presence…
But I have been around a while, and I’ve been the guy keeping things running for some of your favorites in the past. A hat tip to the mysterious online producer isn’t much to ask, is it?
Header to Remember
For how much I like th pop culture and how much I like the header rotation… I really need to mix in some new photos, don’t I>
Is this thing on?
Maybe it’s worth blaming the Social Networks for? Â or the face I am writing full time for a top-tier sports blog network?
Whatever the case, I’ve neglected Stonegauge for a very long time.Honestly, it’s easier for me to re-tweet something on Twitter or to post on my profile at Facebook than post on Stonegauge, which goes to the general masses.
Maybe it’s my audience here? Â Or maybe it’s just the fact the world has moved on. Â Whatever the case, my posts on this site have been few adn far etween. Â Maybe that will change, or maybe it won’t? Â We’ll see.
The Unpublished Works
Everyone likes seeing their name in print.
Well, unless of course it’s trash tabloid-ism or an arrest warrant… But I’m not talking just-printed-on-paper but I mean a by-line of one sort or another. I can say that from experience as I’ve gotten that kick — seeing “John Fontana” linked to letters-to-the-editor, or being sourced/interviewed by USA Today, being quoted in The Hockey News, The New York Times Slap Shot blog and la-de-da.
But I can also say that wasn’t where I intended to go with writing when I started out as a kid. My intention wasn’t to be a face-in-the-crowd (though no matter what you write or publish, you are another face in the crowd of literature) in the newspaper. Not another source for magazines and what not. Not a weblogger. I planned on doing things creatively and having my own book. Or books — plural. Take your pick.
But that never happened. See, when i was a teen I got away from story writing so much and was writing poetry most of the time… a habit that’s followed me into adulthood. Lyrical verse more-so than deep observations and perspectives.. Well, yeah they are perspectives but they are my perspectives. Sometimes just pop, sometimes inspired by events or people or feelings in my life.
Over the years, I’ve had some of them available to the masses through the web… Certainly you can find a couple of them on this site and probably elsewhere on the web… But they’ve never really been published in the sense of print. Never published in the sense of being out there for any traditional form of mass consumption. I haven’t bothered to take the time with sending out poems to magazines who have niches all of their own (and aren’t available unless you pay for a subscription or pay for a copy — while you’re not getting paid for your contribution).
I ought to put together a manuscript and do something with it. But I’m hesistant.
Catherine Durkin Robinson, local blogger and Creative Loafing contributor, has written two book manuscripts. Her first one is being published, chapter-by-chapter, on a blogspot site. The other, a more recent work based on her life as a teacher in Hillsborough County, is being sent around to literary agents in hopes someone will pick up the work and mass-market it. Sadly, that has not been the case and the rejections have been comical at best.
Their loss. I’ve read the book and it’s not only a good read, it’s provocative and controversial enough to be read widely by those fearing school-district scandals.
I also have another friend, in the Pacific Northwest this time, who went out and self-published her first novel. The book, Steel Goddesses, is currently available on for purchase. It takes a lot of courage to go out on a limb like that and self-publish any work… But it sort of cuts out the middle-man of having to appease literary agents who tell you what a proper market for your writing is-or-isn’t and tells you to change your work to fit that niche. At least that’s what I’ve seen with rejections served up to Catherine.
So the idea I am kicking around is actually putting together a manuscript of poetry I’ve written over the past decade and self-publishing it. I realize that poetry is not exactly a hot seller and not going to lead me to riches… It’d cost me more to publish than the commissions I’d get in the long run from doing it… But it does what I have long sought to do — take the writings jammed in Mead notebooks that I’ve carried around since High School and take some of those verses and show them to the masses. Will people connect? I have doubts. Will strangers read what I’ve written? Even more doubts… But it’s mine, and it’d be out there. My claim. My piece of literature.
My book.
It’s a thought, at least.
Rumors of my demise have been greatly appreciated
Yeah, I’m still here. Hello.
Sorry I have not posted here on Der Stonegauge for something like… well, a long while. How long? So long, in fact, that it’s an opinion of a falsehood and not the truth. That’s how long.
Part of it’s just lacking motivation to write something not hockey related. Part of it is the inability to collect thoughts. I get an idea for a blog post and by the time I am back at the computer I find myself having to report on something else.
I’ll try to be more involved here, but if life calls — I have to put everyone (both of you) following Stonegauge on hold again. Sorry.
Johnny Fonts is the continued web presence and weblog of life-long online personality, sports fan/writer, and Tampa Bay-area blogger John Fontana (a 1997 graduate of East Lake High School).
Lemme stop with the third-party writing and say it directly. I’ve been online since the ear;u days of dial-up and the Prodigy network. is built upon my time as a blogger, which started officially in the summer of 2002. Unofficially, I began what I didn’t know was blogging in 2000 on a Tripod web page.
- I’m more well known for my involvement in coverage of the Tampa Bay Lightning as the Bay area’s original Tampa Bay Lightning blogger. I started in February 2004 (the season in which the Lightning would win its first Stanley Cup championship) and later founded Raw Charge on the SB Nation network. I’ve also spent plenty of time on baseball and had a web site pushing for the end of the designated hitter rule, how about that!</p>
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<p>I also have the rare disease Neurofibromatosis Type 2. This disease has too often affected me physically in life. An unknown fact: It was while I recovered from back surgery (an operation necessitated due to the disease) that influenced me to start hockey blogging, Sadly, NF2 has ended my involvement in sports coverage by way of low-vision.</p>
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<p>Plus it’s made typing a bitch (grumble, grumble). New, fresh blog pposts on this site are less common</p>
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<p>I ramble, I rant. I can be funny and I can be an outright asshole (anxiety can influence that). I can be naive and ignorant in a man-boy way (my experience with the Beatles shows this) and I can be creative. In simplicity: I’m a writwe. The archives of this blog and elsewhere onoine show thAt.</p>
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<p>Much of what you can find on this blog is pop – movies, music, ‘net stuff – and other times it’s personal. It’s also gone political, Will it piss you off or please you, I don’t know. Ir’s the avenue of my self-expression…and typos. Lot’s of typos.</p>
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<p>I spend much of my time now researching and editing TunedQuest, a list of radio stations accepting music submissions. I got uibto that gavut in the summer of 2019. Why? Read about that here.</p>
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As for the nickname Johnny Fonts: it’s been clung to since 2010. It comes from a minor anecdote on social media. John had helped his friend Catherine Robinson’s novel writing by editing drafts of Learning Curves. In one status post on Facebook, her husband, Marc, simply barked the name “Johnny Fonts!” in an enthusiastic-yet-bizare show of thanks toward Fontana. It came out of nowhere and… and… well, why not go with it?
For those interested in guest post advertisements: I do not accept guest post.This is a private blog, not a commercial company. Please do not request information about guest posts.
Novelty! Yay novelty!
I’m trying to get the WP-Cumulus tag cloud to show up. It already shows up in the sidebar but… Well… I’m trying to get it in the content body of the front page (and elsewhere) so… Wish me luck?
Update: As you can see, this nifty, fantastic, rootin’ tootin’ tag cloud is working.
Oh boy
I wanted to upgrade Stonegauge’s theme today. Or at least work on a new concept. The theme currently employed is not widgetized and — well, for the uninitiated, widgets are fancy thingamabobs and doohickies (dare I call them watchamacallits) that you can place in a sidebar on WordPress and they can do various things aor let you re-arrange the sidebar with ease.
That’s besides the point…
So I went to my Happy Five years Hosting Me Now webhost and went to their one click install area and…
Well, to put it lightly, I fucked up.
I accidentally deleted Stonegauge from the Interweb.
It was just one simple miscue and yet everything I have ever uploaded to (the domain) was sent to a digital grave, to rot along with billions and billions of 1’s and 0’s. Every POST I ever made on WordPress (and a few dozen from my former MT and HTML based sites) were safe in a database but immediately after this deletion had happened, I feared the worst.
And as the afternoon progressed, the worst got worse.
I couldn’t gain access to five years of inane blog posts and personal shit that I have rambled about on thsi Interweb and this site. I mean the information was there but WordPress — the software I use to run Stonegauge — wouldn’t even look at it. It refused to acknowledge it.
I can’t send software to the corner for a timeout, can I?
I could barely figure out MySQL (database language) and contacted the Happy Web Hosting Overworked-and-Underappreciated Tech Support team. I laid out everything that happened in 2 different support tickets and chronicled all of my screw ups attempts to make things work.
But having not hear back from them by 7 in the PM, I decided to try to take things into my own hands — post another blog site just to see if I can rescue the database and then import an upgraded version of that DB to
Well, I was in the middle of all that crazy shit when I get a little letter from a member of Tech Support. Everythign was fixed adn fine and back to normal.
MY BABY’S ALIVE! Try as I may to screw everything up to end all means fof ever restoring the site, it’s live and kicking again. Seems I screwed up a setting or three.
A bridge too far (test post)
OK so I’m writing this on the Stonegauge as those who regularly stop by will see. I’m also testing out a WordPress/Myspace bridge to see if I can post from my WordPress blog onto my Myspace blog. Lets see what happens eh?
Site Notes
First off, I’ll be upgrading the site to the latest version of WordPress…. Knowing my regular reader (hi Kate 🙂 ) doesn’t check in THAT often, I can’t say this will cause much trouble. Of course, if you happen to actually look at the site and don’t happen to be Kate, you should voice your disgust that I forgot you in comments — cuz having people comment would be grand. Grand I tell you!
Of course this could effect those who are searching for Andy Kim’s “Rock me Gently”. It would seem that Der Stonegauge has become the place to get the lyrics to this song (dude, look at my latest referrers and tell me that’s not the truth).
Back to the upgrade note, I’ve been putting this off because I’ve been intimidated with the new version and the built in tag support for WordPress 2.3.x. It’s true that I already run the site with tags (and categories) but this is a new wrinkle to have it built in and have to update templates and such.
At worst, I MAY have to switch themes on top of making minor changes to pages to implement tags…. which would suck. But it’s Sunday so I might as well do something now because I ain’t gonna’ want to do it tomorrow.
update: Might need to find more bells and whistles for the site but everything is coming up roses right now after upgrading the site and the plugins. Of course I still have to change some markup on the site but I will live.
The Write Stuff
For a couple of years I had my writing online on various extensions of this domain name. Basically it was one short story and about a hundred poems that I had decided to put online.
Being the busy bee that I am and having other things to do online, I decided instead of keeping the site up and running, I took it down. All while saving the files.
Well, in a limited case I’m putting a definitive writing section back online. You can access it directly and you can also access it from the above menu by clicking WRITING.
Oh, and for the moment you can jump to the poems directly on the sidebar here on der Stonegauge’s main site. Some were never part of my collection on the old writings site and some were.
Well, I rarely give props to links I add to my blogroll but seeing this is Madeline’s 2nd birthday today, I thought I would announce (for good measure) the addition of a link to Whippet Rescue and Placement.
A loyal, sweet, athletic and extremely bright breed of dog — Whippet Rescue and Placement focuses on finding homes for Whippets that need them. These are usually rescued animals that either had problems in their former homes or just couldn’t be looked after any more.
So just in case you haven’t been on Stonegauge in a matter of days, just so you know, I updated the look of the site to something totally different… What do you think? (Oh, it’s not like I expect any comments as I don’t get any comments — but I ask anyway just for shits and giggles).
Looks and what not
I’m planning on doing a new theme for der Stonegauge sometime soon. But for now, check out the poll at right (that looks odd — if not ugly) and vote vote vote. Maybe? Possibly? Please?
Final tracking stats for Extreme Tracking 1.0
Planning to upgrade my public Extreme Tracking software, so I want to keep a public record of stats this site has had over time… Since July 12th, 2001 to be exact
Read More
Overdue for some changes
Following Nick Starr’s lead, I’ve upgraded der Stonegauge to WordPress 2.1. I gotta do more upgrading — like, content wise — in the near future.
So it’s come to this, eh? Would you like to contact me about site content you’ve crossed? Have some type of business proposition (be it advertising or job opportunity)? Just want to say hi in a personal communique (Hiya… ?_? Drop me a line in the form below.
If your contac6 intention is about Advertising, read this first.
Email John at
Twitter 1: 1@Johnny_Fonts
Twitter 2: @DJ{JohnnyFonts
Facebook: Johnny Fonts Page
Upgrade, ebay sales…Â Lucky hats, I am on a tear posting here…
But you gotta admit, I gotta change the look of this site. It looks like shit
Because to spamers getting through, a bad install of Spam Karma and the need to do it anyway, der Stonegauge has been upgraded to WordPress 2.0.
For those on DREAMHOST who upgraded to WordPress 2, you will not have access to your server stats from Dreamhost unles you correct some information in the HTAccess file that WordPress installs by default. You can find the resolution here.Â
What the Flock?
You know, I heard about Flock a few weeks ago when I was browsing around the Tampa Blab and came across Sarah In Tampa’s post about the browser. It was – in essence – a browser that was built for blogging from what I was reading… I wanted to see exactly what the hub-bub was about the minute there was a released version of the browser.
Well, the developer release version of Flock is out and I did go ahead and download it… And wasn’t really able to accomplish jack with the thing. I tried simply integrating one of my blogs onto Flock and followed the directions and was met with errors every time I tried to log in.
Not totally dismissing Flock just yet but I do think I better just forget about it for another couple of months…
Awe Jeez Tommy
Jeez, it’s nice for someone to give me props for dumping a link on him… Thanks to Tommy at Sticks of Fire.
Now if only I had something relevant to put on this site besides parodies of college dorm ads :-p
Happy New Gears
I’m in the middle of testing some new stuff that I normally would only do on a testing blog… But I would like to implment these things on several sites, so… Stonegauge may be a guinea pig for a while.