An Insomniacs Confession

Once again, I struggle to sleep. 2 AM comes around and I find I can go on till 3 just fine and dandy. Before 3 hits, I am off to my bed where I hope gentle slumbers will take me for a pleasant trip to Dreamland… Yet sleep doesn’t come. I toss, I turn, I let my mind run…

3:15, 3:45, 4:15, 4:57…

It was after 5 AM when I finally fell asleep. This is ridiculous.

Speaking of ridiculous, is there anyone who actually finds these entries enjoyable? Because they are either too personal a confession or just… I don’t know, repetitive rants of the liberal kind.

The last thing I should be doing is questioning my writing right now because that’s all I’ve got, or so it feels sometimes.

2 Comments to An Insomniacs Confession

  1. Sarah says:

    check your email..i promise it’s not hate-mail

  2. John says:

    I doubt you’ll be back here Sarah but even if you are — “Hate mail” and “Frustration mail” are two different things. I would think Frustration mail is anything pointed and biting that you would send before hate mail… Hate mail… heaven forbid either of us ever screw things up that much where we hate each other or show hatred.

    Though I’ve done a job on my side if anything comes out looking like anything worse than frustration… A job I regret.